my first web page baby

what this thing is

a simple web page I'm using to practice HTML

no way

yes way bitch

here is some practice using different tags

"this is my first web page"

"how exciting"

"yes, it really is exciting"

"so exciting in fact that it'll make your head explode "

let's try this again
this is my first web page
how exciting
this section was made with line breaks instead of paragraphs

paragraph tags will

separate lines of text

line breaks will
keep them together
but on different lines

here is a heading

and another

and another

and another!

look how many headings this thing has
I'm like the king of headings
  1. look at this list
  2. this shit got numbers!
  3. that's because this is an ordered list

look I can add something called an ordered heirarchy to lists too

I'm getting tired of saying heirarchy

here is a very important website to preserve the old web

The Wayback Machine

do you want to see a picture of an anime boy?

yes of course you do why would I even ask

this is Killua from Hunter X Hunter holding some dude's heart in a bag

Killua from Hunter X Hunter holding a small, bloody bag with someone's heart in it. he has an evil look on his face...

wanna see me structure some tabular data?

Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3
Row 3, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3

this bad boy has three elements in it, table, tr, and td. tr is a row and td is a cell in the row. table defines what it is.

these things are overused to replace actual elements in CSS, they're easy to make but it's not the correct use.

here are my attempts at putting in form assets

none of this goes anywhere by the way, I have no idea how I'd even rig that